Because imagination precedes invention Future Folklore: The End of Genocide generates possibilities for a world in which genocide no longer exists.
Submissions accepted June 1st- July 31st, 2024 PST
Format: A 1,000- 2,0000 word Speculative Fiction Short Story
Prompt: A household living in a world beyond genocide.
Selection is based on creativity, practicality, and writing strength.
Up to 10 stories will be chosen for publication on the STCW website. 3 finalists will have the world created in their story developed and published as an Augmented Reality experience. 1 winner will receive a $75 USD cash prize.
Future Folklore is the recurring short fiction contest run by Stories to Change the World. The name has changed over the years but the mission has always been the same: to build the body of literature depicting positive and possible futures.
The prompt has always been “a household living in a positive and possible future.” The format is always short speculative fiction. Most importantly, Future Folklore is always open internationally to all ages, without an entrance fee.
“The End of Genocide” is the 2024 installment of Future Folklore.
Anyone! Any age, any location, any writing level.
We only have resources to submissions in the English language, but other than that, the contest is limitless.
Creativity: You want the reader to think both “aha” and “oh!” Creative writing should surprise us.
Practicality: can be achieved by demonstrating an understanding of politics and human interaction. A story is practical if it is an extension of our current reality.
Writing Strength: Measured by use of literary devices and emotional response from the reader.
Do not worry about spelling, grammar, or formatting as long as the reader can understand the story.
We get pretty inundated with “day in the life” structured stories. Try alternative lengths of time (a matter of minutes, weeks, or years) to make your story stand out.
If an entry is disqualified it’s because either
1) The entry is an essay rather than a story
2) It isn’t obvious that the story takes place in the future.
If the book entices ample traction- we’ll consider developing a paperback version of the book and perhaps also a launch party in Portland, OR.
Let me know if that is something you would like to order.
Communitechture is our sponsor once again! Year over year they show up for these contests just like they show up for the environment and their community.